MAITS is an international disability charity that aims to facilitate the skills development of those providing educational or therapeutic services to individuals with disabilities in under-resourced settings – specifically people working with children with special educational needs and disabilities, as well as some infants and adults.
MAITS’s work directly contributes to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals 3, 4 and 8 – emphasising the importance of health and wellbeing for all as well as access to education and promoting the social inclusion of persons with disabilities. MAITS partners with qualified healthcare practitioners with specialist skills in working with babies and children with neurodevelopmental conditions. These practitioners provide in-country training as well as remote training support. MAITS envisions a world in which children with developmental disabilities are fully able to access the health and education services they need in order to achieve their full potential. With the continued support of the ZVM Rangoonwala Foundation, MAITS has trained over 7,000 individuals including therapists, social workers, special educators and parents. These individuals have benefitted over 1 million children with disabilities and their families in 23 countries.
The ZVM Rangoonwala Foundation founded MAITS in 2009 and remains the charity’s main funder. Along with financial contributions, the foundation has served as an ambassador for the organisation, helping MAITS to improve its presence in the third sector, offering expertise in governance matters and securing pro-bono deals which enable the charity to keep its costs to a minimum.